past events
Convergences with Poetry
19 May 2013
at the Tokyo National Museum

atelier jaku’s first production was a portrait concert of its artistic director, Daryl Jamieson. Based around the relationship of his music and poetry, it featured music setting and/or inspired by poets as diverse as Eiko Sadamatsu, Pablo Neruda, Princess Shokushi, and himself. With a diverse Japanese and western-instrument ensemble consisting of Japanese traditional vocalist Mika Kimula, satsuma biwa player and vocalist Junko Ueda, shakuhachi master Christopher Yohmei Blasdel, koto player Nobutaka Yoshizawa, and violinist Shungo Mise, the concert presented a portrait of Jamieson’s intercultural aesthetic and set the starting point from which atelier jaku will continue to develop.

On Love to be Endured (2013)
performed by Junko Ueda (satsuma biwa)
text by Princess Shokushi
plaintive belling (2013)
performed by Nobutaka Yoshizawa (koto)
dream story (2013)
performed by Mika Kimula (voice), Christoher Yohmei Blasdel (shakuhachi), Shungo Mise (violin)
text by Eiko Sadamatsu